• Initial piercings will be done with jewelry that is longer to accommodate for swelling. When the swelling subsides, it will be inappropriate for long term wear.

  • It is very important to visit your piercer to downsize to a properly fitted piece after swelling has gone down. This will prevent unnecessary trauma to the piercing site and will be much more comfortable to wear.

  • Failure to downsize your piercing in an appropriate timeframe may lead to irritation, bumps, or migration. Your piercer will provide you with an aftercare card indicating when we suggest downsizing your piercing.

  • Downsizes require appointments


  • Wash your hands before cleaning or touching your fresh piercing.

  • Spray a sterile saline solution directly on the piercing site 2-3 times per day, front and back. Gently remove any debris with non-woven gauze.

  • At the end of a shower, rinse all bath products away from the piercing site.

  • Dry thoroughly after a saline spray or a shower. This can be done with gauze or a hair dryer on a low setting.


  • Sleep on your piercing.

  • Touch, twist or remove your jewelry while healing.

  • Leave the piercing site wet or allow wet hair to rest on it.

  • Use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, BZK, ointments, soap, or tea tree oil.

  • Mix your own salt water solution.

  • Submerge your piercing in bodies of water.

  • Use make up, lotion, body wash and similar products directly on the piercing site.


  • If you use mouthwash switch, to an alcohol free brand such as Biotene.

  • Brush and floss twice a day. Use a gentle, non-whitening toothpaste. If your jewelry builds up plaque you can brush it away with a wet toothbrush.

  • Drink water! Cold water will help with swelling as well as keep you hydrated and assist in the healing process

  • Swish with cold water after eating, drinking, or smoking. This will help flush the piercing site.

  • Playing with or biting your jewelry may cause damage to teeth and gums.


  • Expect bleeding for the first few days. These areas have a lot of blood flow and it is not uncommon for a fresh piercing to bleed freely.

  • You may engage in sexual activity whenever you feel comfortable, but we suggest using barriers. Condoms and dental dams can be used to avoid contact with your partner’s body fluids.

  • Listen to your body and avoid any rough play or unnecessary trauma to the piercing site. If using lube, a water-based lubricant is suggested. After any sexual contact rinse with saline or clean warm water.

let us help!

  • We’re available for in person consults & troubleshooting if you have any questions or concerns. We encourage you to contact us before doing any troubleshooting on your own.

  • We can be reached on instagram, via email, and by text or phone call.

    • @foxandfernpiercingstudio


    • 907-793-7134